Uts Ssg Agreement

The conditions of employment at the UTS are determined by various laws, collective agreements, common law and university police, practice and statutes. Students who are required to take weekly courses, tutorials, etc., are entitled to half an hour of study for each lesson, up to a maximum of four hours per week. In cases where participation in personal courses is not necessary (for example. B distance learning or e-learning or a research project), staff may continue to be entitled to weekly studies, based on participation in the corresponding personal courses or on the basis of the subject study load determined by the HECS assessment (for example. B six credit points – three hours in the face). On the basis of the university`s agreement and with the agreement of its supervisor, staff can carry out their weekly studies and put them together (see 4.5.2 below). Their terms of employment are in accordance with the corresponding UTS Enterprise Agreement. There are separate agreements for the Senior Staff Group (SSG), academic and professional staff. In the case of a research/thesis degree (i.e. at least 50 per cent of the educational needs covered by the initial research and completion of the study work), staff are entitled to ten days of study per year for each year of study/end of study in the part of the course.

A normal study period may be granted for the work component of the course (i.e. half an hour per hour of personal attendance up to a maximum of four hours per week). Information on course requirements for the attendance program must be submitted with the application for study time. Under certain conditions (see below), a PEP staff member receives full pay every 14 days for the duration of the program, subject to the usual deductions. During a semester, officers do not receive study periods during a five-day working day leave. If a PIP is requested between 13 and 26 weeks, officers must specify their intentions for the balance of 26 weeks, either as a requirement or by requesting leave (for example. B, annual leave, long-term service leave). . The university requires that all research on humans and animals be conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Ethics Committee on Human Research and the Committee on Animal Care and Ethics.

The body that approves the PIP should ensure that any PIP proposals, including a research component that must be approved by one or both of the above committees, have been reviewed by the relevant committees prior to the academic start of the PIP. Officers appointed for a permanent term of more than three years may apply for the PIP. As a general rule, the number of PIP staff during a semester will not exceed 14% of full-time, part-time and faculty/department meetings.

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