Warranty Agreement Traduzione

The project owner is solely responsible for obtaining all rights, licenses, agreements, authorizations and consents, under any name, for advertising, publication, reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, preparation of derivative works, realization, use, processing and use of all client data published in the project, whether published by the project owner or by a third party. E non saré operando la traduzione letterale dell`istituto statunitense, che si consentré all` acquirente di esercitare questi ulteriori rimedi. These conditions are the complete agreement between the customer and the supplier regarding the customer`s use of Crowdin`s services and replace all prior and simultaneous agreements, proposals or assurances, written or orally, regarding its purpose. Unless otherwise made, no amendment, amendment or waiver of a provision of these conditions takes effect, unless they are signed in writing and by the party against which the amendment, amendment or exemption must be invoked. The “guarantee,” invece, “is a business that is or will be a particular fact, as they say or are promised. It refers to a buyer`s protection agreement against loss if the fact (in the future) is or becomes false. In the event of a breach of a contractual clause, the remedy is to allow the aggrieved party to have been if the breached clause had been properly enforced. If the infringement is in accordance with the contract (refusal), the victim may also have the right to terminate the contract, the damage being found instead of the termination.” Come se bastasse operare una traduzione letterale di un istituto appartenente a un determinato ordinamento, e all`esito di questa traduzione letterale, quell`istituto potesse senza problemi essere “utilizzato,” con gli stessi effetti, in un altro ordinamento. “stato dato, quasi per scontato, che attraverso la traduzione letterale, si potesse ottenere reche la “traduzione giuridica” di quell`istituto. The following rules only apply if you purchase access to Crowdin`s services directly from the provider. If you have access to Crowdin`s services through a reseller, the terms of payment are specified in the agreement with your dealer.

Infatti, ove nel contratto sia riprodotta la formula “il venditore dichiara e guarantees … la “Dichiarazione” e la “Garanzia” saranno interpretati alla stregua dei nostri principi giuridici, primo fra tutti, il principio della netta dicotomia tra l`oggetto immediato e l`oggetto mediato del contratto, in virté del quale i rimedi “di legge” possono essere esercitati esclusivamente in relazione all`oggetto immediato del contratto (d.h. la vendita della partecipazione) e non anche in relazione all`oggetto mediato (d.h. il patrimonio della target).

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